Procrastination is the main problem that I have had to work on, and it is gradually getting better. The most challenging thing that I have had to deal with this semester is putting off my work to go do things that didn’t involve school such as: choosing to go sit in the gym with my roommates, going to a party when work was due, choose not to study when a big exam coming up, and just hanging out with friends. My advice to you would be to never procrastinate, choose your school work over anything because there are plenty of ways to have a great college experience while getting your work done, and have fun. Listen to upperclassmen when they give you advice about anything, they know what they are talking about because they have been through what you are about to go through. If you do not plan on getting a part-time job please manage your money, and learn to use it wisely. If you need help with anything there are plenty of resources around campus that are free to