College Pay Pays Off Analysis

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Pages: 4

Some people might ask you, are you planning on going to college? The answer is different for everybody. For example, some people will choose to go to college while others could choose to go to a trade school instead. There are others who would prefer to not go to either of those two options. However, I think that college can be a great opportunity to not only start a career, but to also give you a chance to become more independent at a young age. A college education is worth the cost because it can help you pursue the career of your choice, make more money later in life, and get a high-paying job.

My first reason as to why college can be the best decision is that college can be a great way to be able to pursue your future career, and it can help get you a better job after high school. According to
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According to “Even with Debt, College Still Pays Off” by Gillian B. Whitepage, “According to data from the New York Fed, college graduates earn 80 percent more than their peers who didn’t attend, or didn’t finish undergrad-and they’re also less likely to wind up unemployed than those who didn’t go to college.” This shows that by going to college you are able to earn a lot more money than the people who didn’t go to college in the long run. According to “Even with Debt, College Still Pays Off” by Gillian B. Whitepage, “A bachelor’s degree can help recent graduates earn 83 percent more than peers who only completed high school.” This means that by earning the right degree you can easily make more money than if you were to not go to college. According to “Even with Debt, College Still Pays Off” by Gillian B. Whitepage, “Overall, recent college grads aged 22 to 26 have earnings that are 83 percent higher than early career workers who have only a high- school diploma.” This shows that your chances of earning a higher paycheck in a future job increases if you attend