College weeks' essay

Submitted By Kechong-Zhu
Words: 1379
Pages: 6

Essay plan
Topic: the exploitation of adult workers in developed countries.
I. Introduction:
Thesis statement: This essay discusses two major reasons that brings about the exploitation of workers in developed countries, including workers’ educational level and labor legislation. Afterwards, it provides two suggestions to solve the issue in terms of education of workers and government policies.
II. Body:
A. Causes
a. illiteracy and low level of education
1. ↓level of education →↑unemployment →↑risk of exploitation
2. illiteracy → fear of losing job →easier to accept exploitation
3. ↓knowledge of laws →inability to protect themselves from exploitation
b. poor labor legislation
1. host countries restrict immigration →immigration laws unfavorable to immigrant workers → ↑exploitation
2. loopholes in law → being taken advantage of by employers
3. flexible labor market → insufficient restriction
B. Solutions
a. education
1. ↑educational level ↘
2. ↑practical skills → less exploitation of workers
3. ↑ knowledge about labor laws ↗
b. developing labor laws and policies
1. immigration laws and policies → more migrant-based
2. reasonable wages and working condition + more pressure on employers
3. ↓loopholes of laws → protect workers’ rights
III. Conclusion low education + poor laws → two major causes ↑ level of education + improve laws → two available solutions ↓exploitation of adult workers (future)
The exploitation of adult workers in developed countries

In recent years, with rapid growth of global economy, the demand for labor has largely increased in developed countries. This leads to a significant flow of adult workers from developing countries to developed countries in search of work. The supply of these immigrant workers exceeds the demand for labor in developed countries, resulting in exploitation of these adult workers. The exploitation of workers has become a severe issue, such as working long hours for little pay, being unreasonably punished with physical violence and being forced to do different jobs to what was expected, etc. This essay discusses two major reasons that brings about the exploitation of workers in developed countries, including workers’ educational level and labor legislation. Afterwards, it provides two suggestions to solve the issue in terms of education of workers and government policies.

One major cause of exploitation of workers in developed countries is illiteracy and low educational level of workers. It is difficult for workers without enough knowledge or skills to find decent jobs, which leads to a high risk of exploitation. Núnez & Livanos (2010) pointed out that in Europe, lower educational level correlates with higher unemployment rate, and the unemployment rate of people with lower educational level is nearly twice of those with higher educational level. Faced with unemployment, workers have to look for low-end jobs that do not require much knowledge or skills which make them vulnerable to exploitation. Chan (2004) stated that large amount of people looking for low-end jobs drives down wages and working conditions, and allows employers to exploit workers. Then, illiteracy makes most immigrant workers fearful of losing their job or of being fired if they complain about their work conditions, thus they accept to be victims of exploitation and do not take action to change their situation. Furthermore, due to lack of information and knowledge concerning their rights in the law, immigrant workers have no ability to protect themselves from exploitation (Lenard & Straehle, 2010). In the other words, these workers are unawareness of protecting them from violation, which correlates with exploitation.

The other main reason for labor exploitation is related to poor labor legislation. The restriction on immigration, the defect of labor laws and inefficient restrictions are