Colombia Geography

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Pages: 3

Physical Geography of Colombia and Military Conflict History
Colombia was named after an explorer Christopher Columbus. The country’s physical geography can be described using different features that determine its identity. The Caribbean
Lowlands are characterized by the presence of the range known as Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta that has a height of about 5,700 meters (Enchanted Learning, 2016). The Pacific
Lowlands have numerous waterfalls and streams in a region known as the Cordillera
Occidental. The western parts of the Pacific Lowlands have stumpy mountain ranges that occupy a large area. The biggest rivers are found in the Eastern part of the country. Some of the major rivers include Orinoco, Amazon, Magdalena, and Cauca.
Military conflict has existed in Colombia for about 50
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In the case of
Colombia, the National Development Plan established in 2006 indicates the government’s strategy to enhance social and economic well-being of citizens and foreign investors (Nieto-
Parra, Olivera & Tibocha, 2013). The constitution that was established in 1991 is the major political infrastructure that guides the government in its efforts to maintain the rule of the law.
In addition, Colombia has managed to establish and strengthen its legal system, in spite of the military conflicts that have lasted for about half a century. The judiciary is empowered in order to ensure the law, which is among the key political infrastructures, is used as a tool to protect the rights of the citizens as well as the foreign investors. The existence of these legal infrastructures has enabled the government to create an environment that has facilitated the development of the key physical facilities, such as the railway network, highways (such as La
Linea), and the 4G facility that will cost $ 75 billion (Henao, 2016).
Cultural Communication
Colombia has a diverse culture that is comprised of practices from the