Colorblind Racism Research Paper

Words: 3127
Pages: 13

Introduction: America's well-known melting pot is starting to lose its label. Too many people are blinded by their privilege to realize inclusion is slowly being washed away. Racial minorities are being forced to turn to white norms to be accepted into society. Whitewashing and colorism are both issues that need to be addressed by teaching the raw history in schools, showing diversity in all media, and becoming more aware of oppression against minorities. If not, equality will never be reached. White Privilege White Americans have always taken their privilege for granted, especially now. May 25, 2020 was when people finally woke up to the inequalities that most African Americans have to experience. Former police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, a …show more content…
But, when white people kill black people, it's more than likely an act of discrimination. They use this argument to try and hide the fact that racism still does occur. Justice will never be served if white Americans can't live up to the fact racism will always be an ongoing situation that needs to be spoken about. Colorblind Racism The belief that white people hold saying they can't'see color' is an excuse for the fact racism is still extremely prevalent in today's society. "Colorblindness is the perception that racism no longer exists and therefore should not be addressed; and that everyone has equal opportunities, when in fact, racism is robust and institutionalized" (Mitchell, 2020 p. 1365). People use this idea so they can be indirectly racist without being called out for it. Colorblind racism is difficult to describe and confirm it's happening, which causes some white and black people to believe racism doesn't exist. It preserves an elite social white status since white people have never had to worry about their race from the beginning (Mitchell 2020, 1368). Having a colorblind ideology gives the idea that violence against African Americans is