According to Ira Reiss there are four stages to how love develops. The first stage is rapport. When you first meet someone you get to know one another’s interests, likes, dislikes, and similarities. At this stage you realize whether there is a match or not. Second stage is self-revelation. In this stage personal feelings are exposed such as fears, ambitions, and goals. Third stage is mutual dependency where you and your partner officially become a couple and begin doing everything together. Last stage is intimacy need fulfillment. This is when you and your partner make decisions together and support one another in all aspects. Once again the common denominator among all these stages is effective communication. Communication is the key to making this wheel of love keep moving forward.
When it finally comes down to choosing a partner for marriage many people like to choose someone either within the same nationality, ethnic group or social status. This is called endogamy. This practice is often easier to endure but it can also mean there is fear of opening up to