Mentorship Impact

Words: 450
Pages: 2

There are many lasting impacts of mentoring on mentees, but there are also many lasting impacts of mentoring on mentors themselves. Some of these impacts include building relationships, improving social skills, and just becoming a better person over all. First off, a long lasting impact of mentoring on mentors is building relations. Mentoring is not only in a school environment, you can mentor students, friends, players, and just others around you. Along with this, you get the chance to build relationships with many and all different types of people. With mentoring you make connections, and you discuss all different sorts of things with all different sorts of people. Not only do you make relationships with your mentees, but other mentors as well. For example, I am a part of the Lowell Mentor Program, and going into it I was nervous about other mentors in the program because I had never talked to some of the people. As time went on I built relationships with people I never guessed that I would. It is because of these different relationships that you improve your social skills along the way, which leads into the next point. …show more content…
A lot of people struggle with social skills, like communication. When I say social skills or communication, I mean things like starting conversations with new people and how to talk to new people. Another personal example is before the mentor program I wasn’t necessarily “social awkward” but I had some social anxiety with doing new things and being with new people. By being in the program, I slowly learned how to adapt to new situations easier, and how to talk to new people. Given this, personally I believe I have become a better person. Which also leads into my next