There are two ways to enter a reference to your database library, one is via a direct export facility that some journal database search engines have the other way is to manually enter the information into ‘Endnote’. I shall detail the manual way first. Start by opening the ‘Endnote program.
To manually enter a reference into your ‘Endnote’ database library do the following;
Open the New Reference screen by clicking here
The following screen will then open.
Select the type of reference you are entering e.g. is it a journal article, a book, an edited book, a website, etc.
Next you need to enter as much information as you have into the list of fields. Enter the author’s name as First Name Last Name e.g. John Smith.
If the reference has more than one author you will need to enter each and every author on a separate line
When you have entered all the information you have close the screen by clicking here
You will be prompted
Click ”Yes” and you will see the following screen
You have now successfully added a reference to your database library.
To have a database export and automatically enter a reference into ‘Endnote’ do the following;
Find your article, book, journal etc using a database search engine that supports exporting into ‘Endnote’ (A list of suitable database search engines is included at the end of this document). The following example uses EBSCO Host. Once you have found the article click on