1). Making sure there are no vending machines that are left unsupervised. This will hopefully regulate the use of cigarettes of the younger people of the community and making sure that liquor stores are not near the school.
2). Acting by making sure anyone under the legal drinking age of 21, who is caught with a violation, meaning alcohol intake of these minors, drugs and other charges. The action that the communities want to take is spending their license.
3). Making sure the laws are being taken seriously when it comes selling liquor and tobacco to minors.
4). Making sure those who sell and serve the alcohol and tobacco are well educated on laws and regulations.
5). Making sure that enforcement is strong. …show more content…
Teaching them appropriate life skill and better choices have a chance is Turing them off from the attraction of drugs. The overall effectiveness of school-based drug prevention is pretty good and hopefully will be instilled. Some students will listen and understand the importance of drug prevention. However, some will sadly fall to the deadly addiction of drugs. It is important we instill prevention to give the young a choice to be better in the future.
Awareness Model This must be the most effective model for drug prevention in higher education. The name says it all “AWARENESS”. This is a model that gives intense information about the drugs and their horrible side effects. The awareness model believes that by giving the information it will stop the potential abusers in their tracks. I truly believe that this model will instill the right knowledge and tools to higher education students. It may not completely stop the use, but it will slow down the percentages.
Bacchus …show more content…
They just want to continue this life of drug abuse and hard times. They feel like this is the best life for them. Next is contemplation stage. The contemplation stage is when the thought process begins. They person who is abusing the drug is ready to change their negative behavior. Third is the preparation stage. This is when the individual sets up a plan for themselves to make that change. Next is the action stage. In this change, the individual is working on the change and trying to be consistent. The last stage is the maintenance stage. In this final stage, the individual needs to continue with their progress and make it a part of their lifestyle. By following these guidelines or strategies this will help the individuals to know how severe their problem is. It will also help them to know if they are ready to make the big