The first benefit of going to community college gives us time to view the varieties of majors and careers. It helps balance school and life for example if students work part time they will not have as many classes that take up most of their day. Then public colleges will allow qualified students to transfer their credits toward earning a bachelor’s degree. Also …show more content…
The tuition cost is low compared to a four-year college. We can also get financial aid and student loans going to community college. Then we live at home with our parents or guardian so we do not pay rent for an apartment or college dorm. Then students can save money on getting a professional certificate.
The third benefit of going to community college is improving our GPA if we didn't do well in high school. Community college will allow us to dominate our grades humbly because there is not much work compared to a four-year college. It will ease students into the higher level of education and let them work at their own pace. A class will also have less students so it benefits them to gain help from the professor. Achieving straight A’s for the whole two years can help students get scholarships if they transfer to their dream college.
Community college will assist students in many different ways. Students will save money and still experience a college life. There is no shame in taking this route to your career and