Community College Research Paper

Words: 689
Pages: 3

Today, many politicians would argue with the idea that community college should be free for all those who wish to attend. I however disagree, I believe that the money that would go to the future students of the college can be better spent. I agree with the passage where it says, "Instead of eliminating the cost of community college, it is far better to prepare more disadvantaged students to succeed in college by investing in grade school reform." Grade school is the base of a person's general education, if someone receives a poor education they will not be prepared for what is ahead of them. In a poor school setting, students will not learn how to become social with their peers and school staff, students will develop poor learning skills, and inefficient studying habits. Placing the money in the public school system is a better option than placing it in the system of colleges and universities. In a grade school setting more experienced teachers are hired, and better quality resources are provided to students and school staff when the school is given a higher budget. …show more content…
In a setting where a school can not afford certain technologies it can be harder for a student to complete an assignment or ask a teacher for assistance if that student does not have a computer or internet in school or at home. I believe that politicians are wrong with the idea of there being a “free community college”, the money should be given to the root of the issue at hand, poor grade schools around the nation. To fix a problem you need to go to the source, the source is not the community college, it is the grade schools from where the students came