Community Diet Analysis Paper

Words: 1392
Pages: 6

Interview Write-Up (Community Diet Analysis)
By: Phoua Yang

For my community diet analysis I asked a total of 6 questions. The questions I asked included: (1) What do you think nutrition is?, (2) Do you think knowing about nutrition is important? Why or why not?, (3) Nutrition is the study of nutrients in foods and how our diets affect our bodies. Do you think nutrition can change a human's behavior permanently? Why or why not? (4) Why do you think having a bad diet can cause you to be obese?, (5) If we consume fish would it benefit our health? Why or why not?, and lastly (6) What do you think natural foods mean and do you think natural foods are good? I chose question one, which was “What do you think nutrition is?,” because I thought
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They all play a major role in causing you to be healthy and/or unhealthy,” and the the last interviewee thought that it meant that it was “eating a proper diet with minerals, calories, and vitamins that are appropriate for humans.” One similarity in all of these answers was that they all involved the thought of eating. Only two of all the interviewees knew that nutrition involved the 5 essential nutrients, but even so not one of them was able to name all 5 nutrients. I think that the reason why the two interviewees that were able to name some of the nutrients was because of their background, they were both teachers, and they were older than any of the other interviewees, which could mean that they were more knowledgeable than any of the other interviewees. Something that was different about the responses was the complexity of the answers. Interviewees one to three had very simple answers, which kind of demonstrated their knowledge of nutrition, and based in the simplicity of their answer I kind of figured out that they didn't have that much knowledge about