Comparative Anatomy Lab

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Comparative anatomy lab

1.The evolutionary development of animal body plans from the simplest form to the most complex would start with the sea cucumber which is a echinodermata and has neither a cardiovascular system or barley a nervous system with no central nervous system nor peripheral system because they don't have a brain or spinal cord.Although they do have a nerve net.Additionally it has a closed digestive system going from the mouth to the nus involving the intestines and the stomach.It reproduces asexually by the gonad reasing sperm or eggs through the tentacales.It has a different respirtory system then we are used to hearing about it breatehes in oxygen through the anus and involves the respirtory trees. The next would be the worm
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2.The Cambrian Period Is the time when most of the major phyla of animals first appeared in the fossil record. Also the cambrian period can be called the cambrian explosion due to the short time the many diverse phylas appear.Two factors that influenced the emerge of animal phyla during the cambrian period would be trace fossils which are record of biological activity in animals that once existed.Trace fossils are impressions made on the substrate by an organism some examples of trace fossils include burrows, borings, footprints and feeding marks, and root cavities.These would be a result of …show more content…
A complete digestive system means that food processing occurs within a tube-like enclosure, the alimentary canal, running lengthwise through the body from mouth to anus.The sea cucumber has a complete digestive system with both a mouth and an anus.The sea cucumber inhales oxygen through their anus.Their oxygen travels from the water into a pair of respiratory trees which help them breathe.Gas exchange occurs across the thin tubes connected to the respiratory tubes so co2 can be released which is cellular respiration.Some organisms can do cellular respiration without special organs because their body was built to do it that way it's just a matter of how the oxygen goes in like the sea cucumber doesn't have a special organ to help with the gas exchange.The sea cucumber does not have a cardiovascular system