Assessing Threats of Suicide
It is studied that considering suicide is an option for escape of the problem they are experiencing. There is a variety of ways to access suicide risk. Generally, professionals in Jonesboro, Arkansas use three assessment categories: acronyms that are useful to help remember content for assessment purposes, checklist that gives a brief but comprehensive method for documenting assessments areas, and formal assessment. Checklist have been use the most, on the other hand, formal instruments are cost prohibited for schools because the cost to purchase the instruments, additional training, and hiring staff with higher levels of certifications as often required but formal instruments.
During suicide assessment, make sure that the student is safe. Make sure student is not left alone until they determination of risk has been made.
Student assessment for suicidal risk and lethality should not be done in isolation. Although it is not always possible, it is helpful to have another professional available. It is useful to document that another professional agrees with the conclusion made during the assessment. People who have suicidal thoughts are seriously considering suicide as a possible option for escape of the problems they are experiencing. It is an effective intervention to agree with the student that suicide is an option, but that it is only one option in a range of options. This will likely reduce resistance from the student and make the student more open to discussing the suicidality and potential alternatives. It is also important to create support. It is also important for the professional to maintain a nonjudgmental approach to the assessment. The more the student believes the interview is calm, and without judgment, the more likely that the student will disclose his or her private thinking.
Factors of Suicide Intent and Lethality
Communication of Suicidal Thoughts
The intent of suicide has four main features, they are communication of the intension for suicide, beliefs about the intent, evidence of planning, and prevention of detection. Students who have a high level of intent typically communicate their suicidal intent with others. On this factor of intent, if the student has told someone about his or her intent, the student would be marked as high in this factor.
Desire for Death
Some students have unclear thoughts about death, which would place them lower range. Others have a strong desire to die, putting them in a higher range.