Compare And Contrast Essay About Moving To America

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Pages: 3

Starting School in a Whole Different Country Excitement was taking over my body but fear and nervousness was taking over my parents and grandma. I’ve been flying back and forth between Poland and America ever since I was two and eight months, until I permanently moved here at the age of seven. It was my first day of school in America, after going to school in Poland for two years prior to this next big day of my life. I only knew Basic English, which meant that I was not fully prepared for second grade. My parents and grandma were so nervous for my first day of school, yet I wasn’t at all. You would think I would be nervous about not knowing the language or how I would communicate with my peers, but I couldn’t wait to meet all these new kids. …show more content…
In the morning we all left our houses at the same time and walked to the bus stop together. We got a few pictures together, talked about the excitement of the new school year and by then the bus was on its way down the street. Since there are no school buses in Poland I was also excited about getting on the school bus plus being on my way to my new school. As I walked onto the bus, my friend and I chose the first seat so our parents could see us and wave goodbye. My mom and grandma started crying as the bus pulled away but my dad found it entertaining seeing them cry over my first day as I was happy about it. My parents and grandma walked home and right away got into the car and were on their way to the school because they were worried that I would be crying by the time I got off the bus. My friend introduced me to a few of her friends and they were very pleasant and welcoming. As the school bell rang, all the teachers came out to the schoolyard to greet all of their students for the upcoming school year. All the students had to get in a straight line and the girls were in one line and the