He started much religious reform and was later called the “Protestant Reformation”. He stirred up a spiritual fire in thousands of people including some who were going to later form America. John Calvin of Geneva elaborated Martin Luther’s thoughts and formed Calvinism which became the dominant theological credo that many followed. Calvin outlined his beliefs of god and man in Institutes of the Christian Religion. Saying some souls are destined for heaven and a happy life and some are destined for torment and hell (these people are known as the “select”). Calvinist started to try to determine their fate and tried to convert. Around this time was when King Henry VIII broke from the Roman Catholic and became the head of the Church of England, this led to reformers (mostly poor people) to undergo a complete purification of English Christianity. Calvinism spiritually supported poor people and thrived from this “purification”. Puritans grew impatient waiting for progress in the Protestant Reformation in England. The most religious puritans believed that only “visible saints” should be a part of the church. However the Church of England let any and all of the King’s subjects to membership. This angered puritans because they’re mixing unholy people with holy people. A group of puritans known as separatists let it known that they