The code of ethics upheld by the IEEE and the ACM outlines certain ethics and principals which must be upheld by engineers, scientists and technologists. As quoted from the document, “Engineers, scientists, and technologists affect the quality of life for all people in our complex technological society” (C. Dianne Martin, 2010). This reiterates the point that engineers, scientists and technologists must uphold a code of ethics because of their impact and ability to affect the life of people.
In the modern technological era, humans have become reliant on computers. Humans rely on computers to perform life-critical tasks, such as medical diagnosis, medical treatment, communication, entertainment, etc. It should also be noted that organizations and businesses rely on computers to increase productivity. With this reliance, there is also a very dangerous side of computer science. With the reliance that has been established on computers, a certain figmentation of trust involving computers has been founded. People will openly put personal information into computers without thinking twice. This has opened up a huge, evil, compartment of computer science – identity theft. Given the expansion of computer science, has resulted in a 50% increase from 2005 to 2010 in identity theft (J. Craig Anderson, 2013). The article says that “the number of malicious programs written to steal your information has grown exponentially to an estimated 130 million from about 1 million in 2007”. A case of a victim whose tax return had been filed under their name after their Social Security was stolen because of a malicious program developed to steal an individual’s identity. Stated in the article is that some individuals, with knowledge of computer programming, have used their knowledge in order to maliciously steal other people’s “User names, passwords and PIN numbers, Social Security numbers, phone and utility account numbers, bank and credit account numbers, employment and student identification numbers, driver's license and passport numbers, professional license numbers, insurance identification numbers and college or university financial-aid form information.”
All information entered onto the internet is permeated. This information is often collected and abused in the malicious side of computer science. This is known as “phishing”. The information collected can be seen by