You must have a high school diploma or equivalent, be at least 16 years of age, go to beauty school, and finally pass a licensing test. During high school helpful classes can be Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Introduction to Business. Those classes can be helpful because being a hairstylist is a self employed job. After high school most cosmetologists complete a formal training program. Professional technical schools or a two-year college that offers cosmetology and hairstyling programs. As a student you get both …show more content…
Chemistry, which is the properties of substances and the changes that occur when they interact. Also communication, reason and problem solving, managing oneself, people, and time, working with people, and also prospective and visualization. All this knowledge helps you with the specific skills and physical conditions you must know while being a cosmetologist.
The specific activities you must do while being a cosmetologist are;
Question customers about services, length, and style of haircut desired.
Drape and pin protective cloth around customers' shoulders.
Massage scalp, using hands and fingers.
Shampoo, rinse, and dry hair or hair pieces.
Advise customers to seek medical treatment for chronic or contagious scalp