1. It details the nature and demands of the module, including:
a week-by-week list of topics to be covered by the module; a description of the assessment criteria to be used during the module; a statement of the nature, pattern and timing of the assessment; This guide formalises the requirements of you and your tutors for effective learning to take place during your studies.
1. It details the nature and demands of the module, including:
a week-by-week list of topics to be covered by the module; a description of the assessment criteria to be used during the module; a statement of the nature, pattern and timing of the assessment; the dates and times by which all assignments must be submitted and details of the process for doing this.
2. A register will be kept of attendance. You must remember to 'tap in' as you enter the class and meet the attendance requirements. If you miss two teaching sessions in a row, without authorisation from your tutor, you will be withdrawn from the course. If you miss any three weeks, whether consecutive or not, you will be withdrawn from the course. Please note that authorisation for absence is given in only exceptional medical or legal circumstances, and not because of work, minor ailments or family commitments.
3. Students are expected to:
participate fully in the learning process including on-line and during classes; switch off mobiles in class; attend all classes and arranged tutorials; provide explanations of enforced absences; hand all assignments in on time following published procedures; complete 200 hours of study (including assessed work and time-tabled activities); regularly check their communication channels (e.g. Outlook emails,
Moodle and the undergraduate notice-boards). Note that tutors will only respond to emails sent via UEL accounts. keep their records with the School up to date.
1 This guide formalises the requirements of you and your tutors for effective learning to take place during your studies.
1. It details the nature and demands of the module, including:
a week-by-week list of topics to be covered by the module; a description of the assessment criteria to be used during the module; a statement of the nature, pattern and timing of the assessment; the dates and times by which all assignments must be submitted and details of the process for doing this.
2. A register will be kept of attendance. You must remember to 'tap in' as you enter the class and meet the attendance requirements. If you miss two teaching sessions in a row, without authorisation from your tutor, you will be withdrawn from the course. If you miss any three weeks, whether consecutive or not, you will be withdrawn from the course. Please note that authorisation for absence is given in only exceptional medical or legal circumstances, and not because of work, minor ailments or family commitments.
3. Students are expected to:
participate fully in the learning process including on-line and during classes; switch off mobiles in class; attend all classes and arranged tutorials; provide explanations of enforced absences; hand all assignments in on time following published procedures; complete 200 hours of study (including assessed work and time-tabled activities); regularly check their communication channels (e.g. Outlook emails,
Moodle and the undergraduate notice-boards). Note that tutors will only respond to emails sent via UEL accounts. keep their records with the School up to date.
1 This guide formalises the requirements of you and your tutors for effective learning to take place during your studies.
1. It details the nature and demands of the module, including:
a week-by-week