Independent Living Essay

Submitted By tyne
Words: 1238
Pages: 5

Unit 2 Lesson 4
Independent Living
This lesson concludes Unit 2 with having you consider the issues that a person faces as they “venture out” from the security of a home life they have always known. The comfort of “home” takes on many meanings for people, but when one decides to leave their home base for a life on their own, post-secondary, or a new career, there are things to consider. Young people need to become more independent, find a suitable place to live, and sometimes-even deal with a roommate or two! At some point in the process, living with mom and dad may appear to be a good choice, and you may consider moving back home!

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Organizing Paper
Chasing papers wastes time and energy. And when bills aren't paid or permission slips aren't turned in, the price for disorganization is paid in late fees and lost field trips. In this article, we'll examine some strategies for cutting through the clutter. So if your idea of organizing your papers is stacking them on the dining room table, try some of the following hints:
Designate one area of your home, even if it's only one drawer, for filing business papers, bills, letters, and clippings.
Set up a filing system for your important papers and receipts. This can be as simple as an accordion file or a file cabinet that can do double duty as an end table.
Use a "Miscellaneous" file for items that don't easily fit into a category, but be sure to go through this file when it fills up. You'll find that new categories will stand out, and unneeded items will be easily recognizable.
Keep your mail in one location in the house, and open up and file everything at least once a week. If you can't file papers on a regular basis, use a folder labeled "To File" to temporarily store items. Be sure to set aside time to file these items.
Hang a basket near the front door and keep your keys in it, so you'll always know where they are. Also use this basket for bills and letters that need to be mailed. When you grab your keys, you'll remember the mail.
For households with children, keep a special clipboard in a prominent place for all those permission slips and other school documents that are easily mislaid.
Instead of using an address book, try using index cards stored in a file box. Along with names, addresses, and phone numbers, you'll have room to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and even presents you've given in recent years. If someone moves, substitute an updated card.
Review your filing system periodically and toss out items you no longer need, such as last year's utility bills or warranties on discarded items. Not all household papers need to be filed away. In the next section, we will learn about some household papers for everyday use.


Insurance – What is it?
Simply stated, insurance is financial protection against possible loss. The possibility of loss is shared with a large group of people who also have the possibility of the same type of loss. Many people pay a relatively small amount of money to cover the big losses of a few unfortunate people. It is important to understand that while insurance can help us with life’s troubles, it cannot protect us from what we may consider to be the greatest losses in life. Insurance does have its limitations! Some things in our life are irreplaceable. For example, even though we may have house insurance, it cannot replace things we might loose in a devastating fire. At these times, we usually know that life is more valuable than anything we can possibly own!