for many years, i have noticed that children cannot occupy themselves. they need someone to show them, or teach them how to keep themselves busy.and many times become bored with the daily things they are required to do. resulting in them giving up or not trying thier best.
i believe that if parents would allow thier children to have creative play time, that children would find themselves with less boredom. rather than not knowing what to do with their free time, they would be able to find imaginative things …show more content…
basketball players imagine the cheer from a crowd when they score, football players imagine the way a play should be put into action. everything you do requires the use of your mind.even a programmed activity took someones imagination to make it happen.
i feel that if a child is to learn responsablity. and a sense of pride, that starts with the parents teaching it at home. not always with it being learned through timed or programmed play. allowing a child to find themselves through what they like and what they enjoy can also come from letting them imagine how they would do things. it will let thier minds rest from things they know they have to do, so they when they have to do the things they have reponsability todo, it doesnt seem as if they can have fun being responsible.
many children with a so-called, creative side or creative spirit often grow up to become very seccussful adults. this is portrayed in many things we decide to become as adults. such as photographers, teachers, web designers, musicians, and artists. many painters, dancers and even writters, are very good at what they do. most of them have were allowed to have creative play as children. this is why it is important to allow children to let the mind imagine things. hopefully my opinions will open the minds of parents, allowing for more