William Shakespeare Research Paper

Words: 751
Pages: 4

Miniscule amounts of information are known about William Shakespeare and the life that he lived. Among this missing information is his exact date of birth, but multitude scholars speculate that it occurred around April 23, 1564 (Ackroyd 3). Scholars speculate that it is his date of birth for the reason that it is near his christening date which, unlike his birth date is confirmed to be Wednesday, April 26, 1564 (Ackroyd 3). In addition to Williams christening date being known, William’s date of death April 23, 1616, is also a confirmed fact by various historians (Thrasher 4). Although scholars have spent numerous hours trying to learn more information about William Shakespeare, only small amounts of information were discovered. Among this discovered …show more content…
As William Shakespeare progressed through his childhood, it was that immense amount of love and care that caused him to grow up into a confident adult. While growing up into that confident adult, William Shakespeare spent his childhood near the river Avon in the town of Stratford (Adams 3). The town of Stratford was known for its social structures and religious people (Adams 4). Along with Stratford being a socially structured town with religious people, theatre in Stratford and along with the rest of Europe was extremely popular. The theatre was popular on the grounds that the technology that exists today had not been invented yet, therefore the theater was one of the few sources of entertainment for people, people like William Shakespeare (Burnett Interview). But despite all this, William Shakespeare's childhood and where he grew up, had a minimal effect on him as a person, it was the time period that he lived in that strongly influenced his personality, actions, and …show more content…
William Shakespeare was born during the Renaissance, meaning his creativity was encouraged and respected leading it to become a large aspect of his personality. His creativity and his desire for it to be recognized is shown through the months of writing and planning he went through in order to publish his plays. By spending such large amounts of time on his work, William Shakespeare allowed his creativity to shine through highlighted by his effort. His creative concepts and effort are seen in his most famous works, including but not limited to, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet (Ackroyd 113). In addition to wanting his work to prove his creativity due to his creativity having been a large part of his life and who he was, William had another motivator to convince him to develop and have creativity become an even larger part of himself (my own analysis). The society that he lived in was urging him to come up with more creative ideas, for the people at that time didn't have numerous options of things to entertain them with besides the theater. For the majority of the population was illiterate and therefore, were unable to read or write books to pass the time. And as the case for the majority of the people was that considerably immense amounts of their time was dedicated to working, plays were a quick and funny escape from their reality (Burnett interview). . William