William Shakespeare Research Paper

Words: 492
Pages: 2

My thesis is William shakespeare written his own plays. This is an essay going over if Edward de vere ghost written William Shakespeare’s work. This is an argument that has been going on for the past two centuries. Past Scholars doubted if William Shakespeare wrote his own works because they think he did not have an University education and the lifestyle he lived. He did go to a grammar high school till the age of 15. Edward de vere was also a well known poet back then, to which today Scholars say he wrote plays under Shakespeare's name. To back that up I’m going to prove my opinion by going through sites. William Shakespeare did attend King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon. Very little is said about William Shakespeare’s life because it wasn’t documented. William Shakespeare is best known for his plays and poems but the rumors are that he wasn’t educated enough or knew much about politics. He was the son of a middle class Merchant, He was from Stratford-upon Avon. William Shakespeare was baptised on April 26. He is best known for his plays and poems, he had written. Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford was a greatly known poet. People believe that he was …show more content…
Edward de vere as been noted for the best comedy writer but his works disappeared. William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare has little information about him so how do we know he actually existed. Edward de vere did have an Educational cause to make him write so good. For, Shakespeare’s side he could have existed and Edward de vere was the one taking his writing and flow style. When the two poets have a very similar style in writing also they both lived near the same years it's gonna have a conflict. The conflict will be resolved because they were both greats poets, There is not enough information about William Shakespeare. So the two can’t be the same people because they both had different wives went to different schools, Baptised in different