William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Pages: 6

William Shakespeare

There are no birth records of William Shakespeare but church records indicate that William Shakespeare was baptized at the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 26, 1564. Using this information Scholars have estimated his birth date to be April 23, 1564. William Shakespeare was the third child of John Shakespeare, who was a leather merchant, and Mary Aden, who was a local land heiress. William Shakespeare had to older sister whose names were Joan and Judith. He also had three younger brothers whose names were Gilbert, Richard, and Edmund. Before William Shakespeare was born his father was a successful merchant and he became an Alderman and a Bailiff. In the 1570s his father was not near as successful. There are not many records from William Shakespeare’s childhood and there are even less of his education. Scholars believe that he may have went to The King’s New School, in Stratford. (Biography.com)

William Shakespeare got married to a woman named Anne Hathaway. Anne Hathaway was
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In the early 1590s William Shakespeare was a managing partner in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, which was an acting company in London. After King James I was crowned in 1603, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men changed their name to the King’s Men. The King’s Men became very popular and records show that William Shakespeare had popular works published and sold as literature. The theatre in the 16th century was looked down of from the upper class, but they were good patrons and many higher class people were friends with the actors. In the early years of his career Shakespeare drew the attention of Henry Wriothesley, who was the Earl of Southampton, William Shakespeare dedicated his first two published poems to him, these poems were Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece.