Creative Writing: Journey To A White School

Words: 546
Pages: 3

In 1890 colored kids were not allowed to go to a white school. Alex, Danny, Dj, and Bella all go to a colored school. Every day they walked 3 miles to get to school. “My feet hurt” said Alex. “Were almost there we are not that far”,answers Dj.
“Why can't we just take the bus” Bella and Danny said. “We can't unless you want to sit in the back” “no”, They said. They have always wanted to go to a white school because they want a better education but they cant. Even if they go outside they get trash thrown at them. One day Alex,Danny,Dj,and bella got a chance to go to a white school. This will change their lives forever. They were so excited. “WERE WHAT!”, They said. “What if they pick on
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“Is this a good idea?”,asked Alex. “I'm not really sure about this” Bella said. They had so many questions. They were not positive about this. They were finally ready. They were on their way to their new school. “I'm so scared”, bella said. “Were going to be fine”, Alex told her. On their way people were throwing things, and hitting the car. They were really scared but they got to the school safe. Once they got inside it wasn't so good. The four of them got escorted to the principal's office. The principal said, “Oh come on in”. He was looking out the window and walked over to his chair. “Welcome to our school and here are your schedules”,he said. “Thank You”, said Alex. “If you have any questions im right here in my office”, said the principal. “Ok”, The four of them said. As soon as they walked out of the office a group of mean kids were waiting outside . “Hey” one of them said in a mean voice. “You don't belong here go back to where you came from”, they all said. Danny,Alex,Dj,and Bella ignored them and