Criminal Justice Case Study

Words: 467
Pages: 2

The story that I watched was episode of criminal minds which is a crime drama and the principal players are the FBI. In this particular episode, they were looking for a rapist who has been targeting several young girls for the local college. The attacker lived alone and was impregnating his victims. The FBI went to the local female fertility clinic on a lead and found that the forms that were being filled out were also sent to a marketing firm. As the FBI was looking through the forms, they found some evidence that might be their next victim. They sent the local police to check the residence there was no answer and the left, but the suspect was inside with the victim tied up. After the police left the victim called 911 and stated that she was …show more content…
She did not allow him to go through the process and get the sentence that he deserved. There was also no equality in this story because the suspect was not tried or did he get placed in the criminal justice system to receive his punishment whether it was life or death in the prison system. The equality in the justice means that all have equal protection rights and there was no protection even though he committed those rapes and he thought that it was alright. Impartiality is closely related to equal treatment because no matter what the outcome of a trial might impartiality wears a blindfold which is called blind justice and have no discrimination or bias against anyone just fair and equal treatment. That was not the case because there were discrimination and bias against the rapist because of the crimes, he had committed. There could be restorative justice because there has been and unfair advantage and unjust criminal action that has taken place at the end of the story which needs to be corrected because as being a corrupt police officer she may kill again and get away with