The disrespectful treatment and put downs consisted of calling Rosie a “[…] slut” (Corbett, 2015, p. 111). In an attempt to combat this prevalence element three of It Stops Here (NSW): “accessible, flexible, person centred service responses that make the best use of resources” and element five “a strengthened criminal justice system response” was introduced (NSW Government, 2014, pp. 24 & 30). Through the third and fifth elements there has been a strong focus on safeguarding victims from “[…] further violence through the criminal justice system” (NSW Government, 2014, p. 24) and providing an adequate and principled response to victims’ needs, which entails assisting victims with issues they are experiencing as a result of the …show more content…
Gender structuring is socially produced, this becomes evident in male dominated workplaces such as in the police force. In these types of environments a close ‘brother’ type relationship is formed between men (Connell, 1995, p. 71). The bonding that takes place between these men often occurs at the expense of objectifying women (Connell, 1995, p. 71). There is an importance placed on the social and cultural aspects of being masculine in these types of environments to maintain the status