Critical Language Scholarship Program

Words: 480
Pages: 2

NBA player Larry Bird once said, “A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.” Throughout my university years, I have learned certain skills that will make me achieve great success in completing this Critical Language Scholarship Program. The first skill I have developed is time management, by juggling more than 12 credits per semester and passing each class with excellent grades. From that experience, I have also learned self-discipline, always doing assignments and projects weeks before their due date. In addition to those skills, I have developed abilities to handle and work well in group projects. I am always willing to take the role of leader and delegate the duties of the group. I am able to carry out the assignment, taking into consideration everyone’s opinions and requests. …show more content…
There I had the opportunity to meet many Korean students, some of whom I worked with on assignments and others that I spent social time with, getting to know them outside of the classroom. I found their way of viewing the world fascinating and also how they still celebrated their customs even though they were in a different country. Another factor that influences my interest in the Korean culture was one of my roommates, who raised my interest in watching Korean movies, TV series and music. Through these activities, I started considering how this country that possesses incredible, rich history and culture could be a potential place to seek future employment. I began to want to learn and speak the Korean language. I also wanted to be able to fully understand the Korean culture through their traditions, music, festivals and