Critical Social Determinant Of Quality In Health Care

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Pages: 5

Health Access and Quality is a critical social determinant of health that significantly impacts patient outcomes. Without having access to quality health services, it can be difficult to get the right care at the right time. It encompasses the availability, affordability, and quality of healthcare services, including preventive care and treatment (World Health Organization, 2024; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.). Access to healthcare is crucial for maintaining and improving health. It includes health insurance, proximity to healthcare facilities, and availability of healthcare providers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), n.d.). In some communities, there is a shortage of primary care physicians, nurses, community …show more content…
Be The Match’s dedication to research has had a significant impact on transplant outcomes and has improved the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of transplant patients (National Marrow Donor Program, n.d.). Their research program, the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Program (CIBMTR), is a global effort to find answers that will lead to better donor matching, more timely transplants, and treatment of even more blood diseases through transplant (National Marrow Donor Program, n.d.). Health Access and Quality is a vital social determinant of health that significantly impacts patient outcomes. Be The Match plays a crucial role in enhancing health access and quality through its various services, thereby improving the health outcomes of individuals diagnosed with blood cancers and other diseases treatable by stem cell or bone marrow transplants. Experience of Health Access and Quality During my tenure at the Community-based Service Learning (CbSL) site with Be The Match, I have actively engaged with the social determinant of health, Health Access and Quality. My involvement has been multifaceted, encompassing the organization of drives, participation in swabbing procedures, and provision of education about the importance of bone …show more content…
The first involved setting up booths and recruiting individuals for the registry. The second was a collaborative effort with undergraduate students at DePaul University. We presented to several sororities, educating them about Be The Match and encouraging them to participate in the swabbing process. An example of the impact of our work is the case of Alfredo, an 11-year-old boy suffering from IL-10 Receptor Deficiency. Alfredo’s story is frequently shared at our drives to highlight the life-changing potential of blood stem cell transplants. Our efforts contribute to improving health access and quality, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and addressing health disparities. My engagement with the social determinants of health, Health Access and Quality, through my service hours at the CbSL site has been a rewarding and impactful experience. It has reinforced the importance of improving health access and quality to enhance patient outcomes and address health disparities. Application of Health Access and Quality Evidence-based intervention As a soon-to-be nurse, I recognize the critical role of Health Access and Quality in patient