Cultural Assimilation In The United States

Words: 474
Pages: 2

In the U.S. multiculturalism should be embraced rather than cultural assimilation for a variety of reasons, morally and physically. Although there are many who would advocate against a culturally blended society, it is a universal understanding that America's foundation was built on diversity. There's no denying that the majority of Americans are either immigrants themselves or descendants of immigrants.
In the United States citizens pride themselves on their differences and embrace the freedom to express themselves without persecution. If such a right were to be taken away, it would not only change the very roots of our nation, it would lead to internal conflicts. By pushing for cultural assimilation in America it is creating a false sense of
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The U.S. has certainly had a large impact on the rest of the world possibly because of it's ethnic diversity. Whether that is your opinion or not, it is clear that it is not the only country in the world. Many Americans have not been exposed to enough of the world to have an adequate understanding of it. By embracing multiculturalism and immigration in America there will be an increased sense of awareness and understanding for the rest of the world. People will be more inclined to educate themselves on global affairs if such things are affecting their friends and neighbors.
While there are numerous ethical challenges that arise in a society lacking diversity, there are also physical ones. A country without variation also lacks strength in the gene pool. To have a society that is not well equipped with a variety of genes, would leave the majority of people susceptible to the same diseases and illnesses. In a country encouraging assimilation, if an epidemic were to occur and affect one person, the likelihood that many others would be affected as well increases. This would in turn weaken the population as a whole and it's chance of