When: January 15th 2013
Who: Adam Nossiter and Eric Schmitt
What: The French army is looking to intrude into the city of Mali and start to take over the Islamic town in this part of the world such as Gao and Douentza. The Mali fighters were inserting themselves into the population of the city in order to make the French confused. This was caused from French bombing in the city of Mali. The Mali insurgents were well prepared for battle, they were highly aquipped and did training and chores more then once a day. After many airstrikes and bombings there was a loss in the number of Islamic soldiers but they were still trying to blend into the society to continue to make it harder on the French to find fighters.
Why: This is important because in this country there is a dispute going on about certain parts of and area and its good to know about what goes on around the world and what countries are trying to conquer others.
Title of Article: “ Mali Rebels Dig In and Blend In for a Long Struggle”
Country/Region: Africa
When: January 15th 2013
Who: Adam Nossiter and Eric Schmitt
What: The French army is looking to intrude into the city of Mali and start to take over the Islamic town in this part of the world such as Gao and Douentza. The Mali fighters were inserting themselves into the population of the city in order to make the French confused. This was caused from French bombing in the city of Mali. The Mali insurgents were well prepared for battle, they were highly aquipped and did training and chores more then once a day. After many airstrikes and bombings there was a loss in the number of Islamic soldiers but they were still trying to blend into the society to continue to make it harder on the French to find fighters.
Why: This is important because in this country there is a dispute going on about certain parts of and area and its good to know about what goes on around the world and what countries are trying to conquer others.
Title of Article: “ Mali Rebels Dig In and Blend In for a Long Struggle”
Country/Region: Africa
When: January 15th 2013
Who: Adam Nossiter and Eric Schmitt
What: The French army is looking to intrude into the city of Mali and start to take over the Islamic town in this part of the world such as Gao and Douentza. The Mali fighters were inserting themselves into the population of the city in order to make the French confused. This was caused from French bombing in the city of Mali. The Mali insurgents were well prepared for battle, they were highly aquipped and did training and chores more then once a day. After many airstrikes and bombings there was a loss in the number of Islamic soldiers but they were still trying to blend into the society to continue to make it harder on the French to find fighters.
Why: This is important because in this country there is a dispute going on about certain parts of and area and its good to know about what goes on around the world and what countries are trying to conquer others.
Title of Article: “ Mali Rebels Dig In and Blend In for a Long Struggle”
Country/Region: Africa
When: January 15th 2013
Who: Adam Nossiter and Eric Schmitt
What: The French army is looking to intrude into the city of Mali and start to take over the Islamic town in this part of the world such as Gao and Douentza. The Mali fighters were inserting themselves into the population of the city in order to make the French confused. This was caused from French bombing in the city of Mali. The Mali insurgents were well prepared for battle, they were highly aquipped and did training and chores more then once a day. After many airstrikes and bombings there was a loss in the number of Islamic soldiers but they were still trying to blend into the society to continue to make it harder on the French to find fighters.
Why: This is important