Essay on Curriculum Table and Mind Map

Submitted By Dan18Ab22
Words: 801
Pages: 4

EDP135 – Week 1 Blackboard work

| |What is it? |Who devises it? |Who is it for? |What is its scope? |
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|Curriculum |Curriculum forms the basis of desired and targeted learning outcomes for |Curriculum Boards, National and State |Students, teachers, parents, |To provide the basis of learning outcomes and |
| |students and education facilities as a whole. |Boards of Education, Universities, |employers, universities, government |achievements that must be met by educators and|
| |It provides clear teaching goals for educators which encompass the entire |Government agencies |agencies, politicians, businesses |students |
| |learning experience of the student. This includes what is taught in and | | | |
| |outside the classroom. | | |To provide an assessable platform which can be|
| |It considers all learning influences such as the school, home and | | |adopted by schools in order ensure its |
| |social/community environments. | | |students are meeting desired learning outcomes|
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|Syllabus |Syllabus outlines the areas and topics to be taught based on requirements |School/university institutions, |Teachers, Principals, students, |To assist educators and ensure they remain |
| |within the curriculum |government agencies |parents |on-track with regard to their choice of |
| | | | |programming and lesson plans |
| |“each syllabus has a set of objectives and outcomes, expressed in terms of| | | |
| |knowledge and understandings, skills, values and attitudes” | | |To provide a basis for consistency in |
| |NSW Schools. Learning & Teaching. Retrieved from | | |education and programming |
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