Cypop 5 Essay

Submitted By veronica54
Words: 1617
Pages: 7

When parents enroll their child, they should provide you with the contact information and consent that you will need if there is an emergency involving that child. A sample "Child Care Emergency Contact Information and Consent Form" is included in this section. The form includes a statement of parental consent for you to administer first aid and get emergency services for their child. You should request that parents update this form at least once every year.
All parents of children in your care should know your emergency procedures. Let parents know that you are trained in first aid and CPR as taught by the American Red Cross or any other nationally approved first aid training facility. Tell parents how often you take refresher courses. Tell them that in the event of an emergency, you will: quickly assess the child's health, call 911 or other appropriate emergency help as needed, give first aid and CPR, if necessary, and then contact them or the person they have listed to call in an emergency.

Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential, however if Deborah or her staff has reason to believe that any child in their care is at risk, Deborah will implement the local Safeguarding Children Board procedures in England, without delay, to reduce any risk to the child. She will report the matter to the Duty Social Worker for Swindon Social Services and follow it up with a formal letter within 48 hours. She will keep a factual record of the concern and will ask parents for an explanation (providing it will not put the child at risk). If she believes a child is at risk under these circumstances she will not be able to keep information relating to your child confidential, but will need to share it with other agencies, Deborah will notify Ofsted of any concerns she has had to take action on.

If a child confides in a member of staff she/he will:
· Show that we have understood what they are saying and take their allegations seriously
· Encourage the child to talk, without asking leading questions or interrupting when a child is recalling the significant event.
· We will record everything the child has said (however this will be after the child has spoken).
· We will inform the child that we can’t promise not to share this information; however everything we do will be in the interest of their safety.
Special Needs Policy

We will aim to:
· Work in partnership with parents, professionals and other relevant bodies to gain information and understanding of specific needs
· Ensure that each child is treated as an individual and is offered the same access to opportunities
· Adapt activities to ensure inclusion for all concerned
· Receive advice and support from the Special Needs Co-ordinator when needed and attend training when required
· Share information regularly and respect confidentiality.

Equal opportunities for All

All children are given the same opportunity to play, experience and achieve with due regard for their age, race, religion, gender, culture, disability or special educational needs, social background or composition of the family. racist/sexist behaviour or language is actively discouraged and always appropriately challenged if it should occur.

Positive images of all people are shown through activities, experiences and conversation. It is important that all children's self esteem and confidence grows by promoting a positive image of the racial, cultural or social group that they and their family belong to and to respect the differences in others. All children are encouraged to take responsibility for the environment and to care for one another.

A child with an infectious disease will not be able to return until fully recovered. If a child has sickness, diarrhoea, or symptoms of: sore throat, runny nose and/or a high temperature there must be 48 hours from the last time of sickness until they can be cared for. Children will not be