Dark Matter Movie Analysis

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Pages: 6

I encounter countless engaging and fascinating people in the entertainment industry, and the question is often asked--"how did you find me?" Oh, I wish I knew that answer each and every time, but in this case, I think I remember noticing Inga Cadranel in connection with the show Dark Matter. When I asked her for an interview, guess what essential detail I did not know. I already interviewed her husband earlier this year!! Yes, she is married to Gabriel Hogan, but as I informed her, she received the benefit of my more extensive experience (I have little to no idea what I was doing when I interviewed Gabriel--he was awesome, but I admit to being somewhat lacking). Recently, I did have the opportunity to ask Inga some questions about her impressive career as well as her current works and future aspirations. …show more content…
IC: It wasn't so much a choice as a family business. My parents are both actors as well as my brother. I grew up in the theatre. It was just a natural transition.

mv5bndgwmte4mdi5mv5bml5banbnxkftztgwnzcwntixode@._v1_uy317_cr200214317_al_.jpg.jpgWhat kind of training have you had?

I attended Studio 58 in Vancouver B.C., but only lasted for two and half trimesters before I dropped out. My real training was my endless hours as a child playing in the seats and greenrooms of theatres while my parents were in rehearsals and standing sleepy-eyed in the wings watching them perform onstage.

Please tell us about your first professional job.

I was in a Young Peoples Theatre play at the age of fourteen called The Cabbage-Town Caped Crusaders where I played a homeless teen.

My first professional job as an adult was a summer theatre touring show called Hot Flashes , but my first on-screen job was Dear America on HBO.

It looks like your first series where you had a lead was with Jeff Ltd. How did you get involved with this show? What was that experience