The result of a child going to daycare is mainly beneficial when compared to the child's social skills when they first arrived. “According to their findings, published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, kids cared for by hired help do indeed develop secure attachments to their caregivers, which is good--the kids will be less likely to have emotional or behavioral problems, be more sociable, develop better relationships with peers and be more motivated to try new things”(C.M 1). The child that goes to daycare will often meet new people. This will make them more sociable. The caregiver is a stranger to the child at first yet they are able to share a bond shortly after entering. This quote proves that the diversity a child will experience in daycare with both the peers and adults will actually help them long term. Being outgoing is usually tied with the characteristic of talkative. People benefit from being able to have a easy going conversation, than those who are timid. Day care prepares children to be friendly and be open to meet new