Dbq 1

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Pages: 4

DBQ Essay Create an argument that evaluates the extent to which the consequences of World War I have impacted the global societies during the 1910s - 1930s CE time period.

During the 1910s-1930s CE time period, the consequences of World War 1 have impacted the global societies to a great extent. The key consequences of World War 1 were imperialism, racial discrimination against certain groups, social inequality and political instability. These consequences have led to social unrest, economic challenges and more conflicts. This essay will assess the extent of the impact of the consequences of World War 1 on global societies. One of the significant consequences of World War 1 was political instability. After WW1, major empires collapsed, and new nation states were formed. There were a lot of
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New political ideologies such as totalitarianism, fascism and communism rose and sparked conflicts by weakening established governments. Document 7 “George Buchanan, British ambassador to Russia, memoir published in 1923” states, “The nation’s needs had grown—yet Nicholas and his government were unwilling to meet these needs. A vast Empire, in which some 75 percent of the population was illiterate, in which the revolutionary spirit of 1905 remained alive, in which the Church was rapidly losing its hold on the people, in which justice was ill-administered, and in which nearly every branch of the administration was as incompetent as it was corrupt; and then, on the top of all this, a world war!” In this document, George Buchanan discusses how the governance failures of Emperor Nicholas II were made worse by the demands of World War 1 and this has led to more conflicts destabilizing the political system. This suggests that political instability led to social unrest and frustration within global societies, as we see George Buchanan’s frustration and criticism of Emperor Nicholas II and his governance. Another significant consequence of World War