Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

Words: 1427
Pages: 6

The Declaration of Independence was addressed to the British parliament and the king by the founding fathers to escape the persecution they had been enduring relentlessly through many taxes, acts, and violence against colonists. Originally, things in the colonies had been fine up until the Seven Years War, a costly and pyrrhic victory for the crown of Britain. The American colonists enjoyed their separation from the absolute rule of Britain and didn't have any issues as far as being their colony, for the most part, people liked it a lot. Britain as well enjoyed it, they got what they needed, money, trade, and tobacco. The British allowed the colonists many freedoms in exchange for some of the colonists rights. For example, a few of the things the colonists enjoyed were: …show more content…
British standing armies had come to the colonies to collect the taxes and with this many other infringements would follow, which would be mentioned in the Declaration. The British would also station British troops in homes, something known as the quartering act, and colonists had to feed and house them. The Declaratory Act also made colonists furious, their freedoms they once had such as their own rights to local government, were stripped away and they were told that the British had complete authority over them, as they were regarded as subjects of the British crown. These acts and events are just a few that would slowly lead to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War. The Declaration of Independence would come about a year after the battle at Lexington and Concord, the reason being not all of the colonists agreed with it, and many of the colonists were still pro monarchy. The colonial elites were also worried about the change in class division that breaking free from Britain would