This can and does mostly go hand in hand with the poverty rate I was talking about earlier. As I was saying earlier these people have the same type of health risks as the poverty ones, but with these people that don’t have a job at all, normally go without food every day and the only means of food that their children get is at school. Also these people more than likely won’t have electricity or water and is definitely not ideal for anyone. These people have a health risk because if they have children that get sick or even themselves get sick they are not able to go to the doctor and they get more sick. A lot of these children that are born parents that are unemployed do not get to have baths and unable to get clean, in return can make them sick and they also get bullied at school because they are “nasty” and they are wearing the same clothing as yesterday because they are the cleanest looking out of all the clothes they have but bullies don’t care about what your home life is all they want to do is be mean and hateful. Then these kids go home upset because their home life is awful and become depressed, or they get into bad situations like drugs because they don’t know any better. With both of these statistics, they go hand in hand for the most part and a person might say that the unemployment is worse than the people that do have jobs but that is not always the case,