Firstly, I want to learn the most that I can while I spend my time at Northern Arizona University and in the Honors Program. I figure that I am paying more than enough money to learn, so I better get the most out of it. Secondly, I want to have a healthy mind and not be stressed. Like I mentioned in Journal 7, I have had some trouble transitioning to college, which involves some stressors, such as classes, finances, grades, and time. Fortunately, I have been pretty good with time managing, so that has contributed to alleviating my stress. Another thing I would like to accomplish is time managing with a job. I figure now that I feel quite confident in my time management, so balancing everything with a job might come relatively easy. A job is also good because I will feel a little bit better financially, because that is currently one of my big stressors. If I achieve these goals and graduate, then I know that I will feel quite