These types of babies directly refer to those children who are selected genetically or are manipulated at the stage of embryo that tries to exclude or produce some of the traits which the parents want. The technology of designer babies or the reproductive genetics combines the screening of genetics and also various engineering processes including vitro fertilization (IVF). …show more content…
It implies a very high degree of specification. In this paper there will be a discussion of normal biological phenomenon and the way it occurs. The way humans will manipulate this phenomenon will also be discussed (Bratislav, 2005).
The normal way of conception occurs when the ovum(egg) and spermatozoa(sperm) meet to make a unique new cell. This cell begins to divide and divide continuously until the point when point a group of cells is surrounded. A zygote is the primary group of cells that turns into a child. Zygotes contain chromosomes, bits DNA encompassed and controlled by proteins. DNA, regularly alluded to as "the building blocks of life," contains the greater part of the data the body needs to decide physical qualities including sex, hair and eye shading and other physical attributes. The zygote has 46 chromosomes, 23 from each