Developmental Milestones

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HS 2611-01 University of People Assignment Activity Unit 7 Instructor- Marnie Anderson.

Developmental Milestones and Nutritional Requirements in Infancy and Toddler Years During infancy and the toddler stage, there are significant changes in developmental milestones and nutritional requirements to support the rapid growth and development of the kid (Khoury et al., 2024).

Developmental Milestones Developmental milestones refer to the skills or abilities children normally achieve by certain age milestones. In infancy, developmental milestones include motor abilities that include rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and walking. Cognitive milestones refer to developing language, cognitive ability, and problem-solving skills. Social and emotional
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Breast milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies to enhance the infant's immune system and overall development. Introduction to Solid Foods: Infants typically begin transitioning to solid foods, known as weaning, at around six years of age. This stage involves introducing mashed fruits, veggies, and cereals to meet the increasing nutritional needs of the growing baby.

Nutritional Requirements in Toddler Years Transition to Family Foods: Toddlers gradually adopt their family's eating habits, which include a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products. This change exposes them to a wider range of nutrients that are beneficial for their growth and development. Importance of Nutrient-Dense Foods: Due to the limited abilities of kids' gullets, they nutrient-rich foods to sufficiently meet their calorie and dietary
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The method commences with intake, when something is eaten and manually broken down in the oral cavity. It is then combined with the digestive enzymes in the stomach. Subsequently, the small intestine absorbs nutrients, while the big one absorbs water and leftover material for additional processing and final excretion. Simultaneously, within the field of mental health, this type of anorexia in individuals is distinct from the nervosa often seen in older adults as they age. Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness defined by a skewed perception of one's body and a severe dread of losing weight, which typically results in extreme limitations in food consumption. Conversely, anorexia of aging is a commonly reported illness in older individuals, characterized by a reduced desire to eat and unintended loss of weight. This disease is typically caused by a combination of physiological and psychological factors connected with the aging process. Furthermore, studies indicate a strong correlation between lifespan and the nutritional and exercise routines formed during youth. Research suggests that persons who adhere to a well-balanced diet and take part in persistent sports in adolescence are more prone to attaining better wellness results and prolonged lifespans in the future. This highlights the need to develop healthy