Developmental Milestones

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Pages: 2

Every child learns at their own pace. Skills, like waving, holding their own head up, smiling, rolling over, and walking, are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones which are measured by everything they do such as playing, learning, speaking, behaving, and moving (i.e. waving, crawling, turning over, walking, etc.).
Causes: there are many causes to DD such as genetic causes like Down Syndrome or complications of pregnancy and/or birth like prematurity of infections however the specific cause is unknown. Some causes are short-lived issues like speech and hearing delays caused by hearing loss due to an ear infection. Parents are the first to notice any issues with their child’s development they should then raise
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Termination of Eligibility: if the student upholds suitable functioning in all developmental areas for 6 months or more, and IF the Multidisciplinary Team based on evaluation data, concludes that the services are no longer necessary, Also if the student reaches the age of six – if the student gets categorized to have DD and is approaching the age of six, the school district will then review to determine whether the student has another disability that would require him/her to continue in special education services.
Teaching Strategies:
Seating arrangements – for students with developmental delays it is best for themselves and the students around them. IF an individual desk is not an option, pairing the student with a capable buddy that can help them stay on track without jeopardizing their own education would be beneficial. Also, minimize distractions to assist the student to focus.
Routines and Predictability - routines and procedures that will give predictability are important to a student with DD, it will help promote independence so they can be held accountable for their own actions, and also decrease the unwanted behavior that is usually caused by not fully understanding rules and expectations. For example, being consistent with daily classroom routines and have a visual timer to increase