I remembered that the first step of wise mind is being mindful and I attempted that. All I wanted to do was leave the unit because I did not feel comfortable, but instead I accepted the moment. I was in the moment by observing and noticing the moment, even though it was uncomfortable at first. Afterwards, I practiced the next step of wise mind which is to respond. I improved the moment and let go of the emotional charge of the moment. I practiced self-soothing by thinking of something positive and engaging in positive actions. Finally, I practiced the last step which is to expand. I found meaning in the moment and connected to the bigger picture at the moment. I realized that I had not been acclimated to the unit and I was fortune telling. The critically ill patients were making me feel uncomfortable because I was imagining them not surviving. Because I used wise mind during my experience in the ICUs, I was able to come back later that day and week being completely fine and comfortable with the new environment. I stopped fortune telling and allowed myself to be present with the families in order to provide the best …show more content…
I was in shock when I found out and had no idea what to do. I did not know whether to completely lose it or breakdown and cry. Thanks to my past experiences using wise mind, I was able to cope with the situation. I practiced mindfulness and acceptance. I tried to be mindful of the situation by allowing myself to be in the moment and not jump to fortune telling. I responded to the moment by calling the police department to make a report. I recognized that I had no control whether the police was going to find my car or not. I knew that I had no control whether the car was going to be found in good condition or completely destroyed. At first, it was difficult to accept this was happening to me and I thought this was all a dream that I was going to wake up from soon. After some deep breathing and mindfulness, I accepted the possibility of never seeing my car again. I expanded the moment by reflecting on all the positives that I still had in my life, such as my health, a place to sleep, something to eat, and a supportive family. If I had not gone through the process of wise mind, I believe my emotions would have not been regulated and would have impaired my functioning at my internship. Fortunately, my car was found in good condition after one day from when I made the report. After the initial distress was over, I continued to reflect and