Diplo Paper

Words: 1137
Pages: 5

Diplo Paper When comparing the foreign policies of two nations, many analysts categorize countries based on how powerful they are. By categorizing countries on the basis of their power, analysts are able to better understand why countries pursue the foreign policies they implement. However, in order to categorize countries, there has to be an understanding of the definition of power. This is an issue since the definition of power, at least when analyzing international relations, is an elusive term. Although it is simple to recognize a great power such as the United States, it is much harder to determine how powerful rising countries are, such as Brazil, India, and South Africa. The question of these rising powers also bring into question the …show more content…
Great powers have the ability to take leadership on everything from terrorism to human rights. In contrast, rising powers do not have the same influence over other nations to allow them to take leadership on multiple issues. Thus, rising powers focus on gaining influence in their regions and becoming a world leader on a single issue . This broad summary of how rising powers act can be found in our world today. One rising power in our modern era is Brazil, which has a foreign policy focused on uniting South America in terms of economics and international prosperity . This foreign policy is show through its leadership within MERCSUR, an institution focused on negotiating economic deals for many South American countries . Secondly, India, another rising power, has a foreign policy the focuses on integrating themselves further into Asia . This is best shown through a quote by C. Raja Mohan “Second, there is growing demand that India make more contributions to the maintenance of the regional order in Asia. …Delhi now faces the challenge of overcoming its image as a laggard in Asia’s regional integration, and the perception of India as a reluctant regional power.” . As can be seen, Brazil and India follow the pattern of rising powers in the international …show more content…
As is, the United Nations Security Council does not have a member from Africa nor South America. This is why, if I were an advisor to the current Secretary General of the United States, I would recommend that South Africa become a member of the Security Council. Africa is one of the largest effected areas of the UN. A majority of peacekeeping missions have taken place in Africa . Also, court cases from the ICC most commonly take place within Africa. “In its first ten years the ICC’s investigations and prosecutions have all concerned situation in Africa…Moreover, the Court has declined to investigate crimes allegedly committed in Venezuela and by British soldiers in Iraq.” . If South Africa were a member of the Security Council, this would give more legitimacy to actions taken by the UN in regards to peacekeeping operations and court cases submitted to the ICC by the United Nations. Secondly, as the voice of Africa on the UNSC, South Africa would be able to support resolutions that will help develop Africa. Currently, the UNSC passes resolutions in regards to strengthening Africa, however, they do this without having as good of an understanding of what most threatens Africa. Thus, South Africa would bring a position straight from the region in question. Ultimately, South