Diversity In Diverse Schools

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Pages: 4

As the student population increases in diversity, teachers must rethink how they teach and be considerate of the multiple cultures that are now present in their classroom. They must be open to new ideas that different cultures will present as well as a mass culturally based viewpoints. Diversity is in every school, to include the most rural schools in the Midwest, it cannot be ignored; teachers need to acknowledge, accept, understand and then teach it. Diversity is not only a race issue, diversity is the class full of students that learn differently and are distinctive in their own way. Just like an organization, a diverse school is one that values the differences in people. They understand that people have different experiences, personalities and ethnic background, but they bring new ideas. Sarah T. states, “Diverse organizations draw upon the widest possible range of views and experiences so it can listen to and meet the changing needs of its users.” Schools can learn from the private organization sector on how they incorporate diversity into their everyday living. Once teachers, administrators, students and parents understand and …show more content…
Excellence inclusive education means all types of students working and learning together in the same classroom. Students with learning disabilities are normally educated in a separated classroom separate from the other students. With inclusive education, all types of learners are integrated in the same classroom. Excellence inclusive is for educators who believe that excellent education should be the standard for all students. The initiative is intended for colleges and universities to take part in diversity inclusion, equity, and educational quality efforts and place them in their missions and operation on an institutional