Doctor-Assisted Suicide

Words: 1040
Pages: 5

Throughout our lives, we look for ways to control our own life. We want to control our own lives because we want to feel like we have some sort of power when it comes to living our own lives. People in this world want to take control of the most important events that occur during their lifetimes. Saying this, one of the most important events people want to control is their own death. Almost everyone wants to die a way they feel is right. In order to die a way that feels right to the person, they want to die whenever they feel is right and how it feels right. So, people want to pick what time and how they die in order to feel power. The question we the people continue to ask ourselves is: do patients have the right to die via physician-assisted …show more content…
By turning to physician-assisted suicide they lose the hope of beating the odds and a miracle occurring. In our day to day lives, miracles do occur, people just have to fight through your obstacle and never lose hope. Another view to take is the patient is not the only one giving up on the hope of living, the doctor is too. When the patient says they want to die, the doctor also gives up hope and effort. This hope and effort could have been used to put forth to the recovery of the patient. Not only do the doctors give up hope and effort but the patient also gives all the power of their own lives to the doctor. Giving all the patient’s power to the doctor makes it so the doctor control’s the patient’s own life, not the patient itself. Another way to look at this situation is the doctor is going against their Hippocratic oath. This oath says that all doctors have to treat the patient to the best of their abilities. Saying this, if the doctor participates in physician-assisted suicide they certainly are not following the Hippocratic oath. Another point made in the Hippocratic oath is to respect the privacy of the patients. If a doctor gives the option of immediate death to the patient, they are not respecting the life or privacy of the …show more content…
It gets misused by family, friends, and doctors deciding what happens to the life of the ill. These people may choose to do this because it saves resources. What people do not realize in our world today is people’s lives are way more important than resources. Doctors and nurses say they rather spend their time on a patient that can be saved, but what doctors and nurses do not understand is all lives are sacred. Also, lives can be saved if everyone keeps their fight, hope, and faith. If everyone keeps their fight, hope, and faith miracles can occur and a sacred life on the planet can be saved. Another reason family members, doctors, and nurses promote assisted suicide is affordability. Medical treatments in today’s world are very high in expense and are not affordable for everyone. Saying this, families of the ill opt to take the easy way out to make their lives easier. This is a shame because people are choosing money over their own loved one. People should always rise above money and possessions in