Does George Washington Exemplify A Leader

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Pages: 12

Jalena Carpenter, Mrs. Greenwood British Literature 18 March 2024 Leadership in Biomedical Engineering Life has many different aspects. Some believe life revolves around work. Others choose for life to begin after high school. Life is unpredictable. Those who do not have a strong relationship with the Lord and have not embraced their leadership qualities, will allow life to take control over them, rather than approaching life head on with Christian values in order to change the world. Most choose to be followers and run with the crowd, when there is a whole field of different opportunities to allow God to move. God has chosen His children to use different aptitudes to pursue a specific secular or religious career which calls for a wide range …show more content…
How Does George Washington exemplify a leader? George Washington was an exceptional leader known for his vision, integrity, courage, diplomacy, strategic thinking, humility, and leadership by consensus. He had a clear vision for the future of the United States as a free and independent nation, emphasizing unity and working tirelessly to forge a cohesive national identity. Washington was known for his honesty, integrity, and “his ability to see the big picture and evolve his strategy on how to successfully navigate and ultimately win the American Revolution proved to be one of his strongest leadership traits during the eight-years in command” (Greenwalt). He faced numerous challenges during the Revolutionary War, demonstrating great courage both on and off the battlefield. His diplomatic skills helped him navigate complex political situations and forge alliances with foreign powers, securing vital support for the American cause. His reputation for integrity, honor, and selflessness earned him widespread respect and