Domain D Case Study

Words: 1500
Pages: 6

Discussion of Domain D
Domain D is about planning instruction and designing learning experiences for students. It covers TPE (Teaching Performance Expectation) 8: Learning about students and TPE 9: Instructional Planning. Domain D involves the following: First, a candidate should show a diverse way of research-based and efficient teaching styles using data to alter instruction and learning environments. It means that the teacher candidate should demonstrate different teaching strategies based on research that can help modify the lesson. Second, a candidate should set up the classroom for teaching the lesson and accommodate diverse personalities of students. This area explains that a candidate should consider that every student is different and has different learning styles, and differentiation of experience is paramount. Third, an applicant should show the capacity to design and implement effective curriculum for students with Moderate/Severe disabilities including the use of assistive technology. The candidate should be aware of the appropriate curriculum applicable
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It was chosen for this assignment because she is an English Learner. K.B. is a student with Intellectual Disability, and her first language is Tagalog. She can talk however she is very shy and can only communicate using one to two phrases. The following are some of the goals in her IEP:
English Language Development (ELD) goal:
By May 2017, KC will orally identify, use keywords or phrases, the basic sequence of events in the text read aloud with 80% accuracy as charted by staff.
Communication Goal:
KC will communicate using multi-model approach using verbal language, pictures and use of an AAC device to ask for her needs, express her feelings and respond to classroom curricular and communicative activities at 8 out of 10 given opportunities at 80% accuracy given the minimum verbal cue.