Domestic Terrorism Research Paper

Words: 983
Pages: 4

“What makes a Terrorist differ from a “domestic terrorist/religious extremist / hate crime / activism” Is there a line of line of contrast?

The word terrorism has an eminent importance in the present day’s world. According to the United nations report terrorism is an act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to the civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act.
In fact, at any time if a line is drawn to define the deeds of terrorism vs. extremism the location is never exact and always seems overlapping. This paper is focused on the issues related to anticipate and explore the failures in understanding
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Arizona border recon
e. Militia of Montana
f. Ohio defense force

These groups of extremists opposed the governments, resisted the law enforcement officers were involved in multiple internal crimes like bombings, illegal possession & sales of fire arms and guns were wiped off from the country later by the “AEDPA” act (The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 "AEDPA" was signed into law).
The other forms of the domestic terrorism are through individuals of personal agendas and interests killing innocent civilians. False propaganda among the civilians that terrorists are Muslims is a myth. Individuals involved in domestic terror are probably from all the communities and Muslims are however not an exception. Moreover, majority of the attacks happened after 9/11 are committed by the American citizens and legal residents.
The 9/11 attack is a fatal terror attack ever had before on the American soil; however, should be considered as an outlier of all the attacks happened. Hence, it’s time to think out of the box in a big perspective and try to understand the domestic terrorism in a better manner.
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