Domestic Violence In The United States

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Pages: 5

Domestic violence is one of the most widely discussed topics in today’s society. Domestic violence is defined as violent or aggressive behavior towards a partner within a household. Domestic violence has become so controversial because many people in the United States are victims of domestic violence including athletes, movies stars, and even just your average American citizens. I feel like many people don’t comprehend the severity of this growing problem in the United States. Many people see domestic violence as an issue that isn’t important.
One of the main problems regarding domestic violence is that a lot of people who are in an abusive household fail to realize that they’re victims of domestic violence. The victim who is in an abusive
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In a survey performed by Dr. Michael Sharp on, found out that nine out of ten people have been victims of domestic violence. That’s a whopping 90% percent. Even if you may have not been directly involved in domestic violence, chances are someone you know has been involved or affected by some sort of domestic violence. This issue of domestic violence has to be addressed. One solution that may decrease domestic violence is to increase education on the subject. It should be part of a school’s curriculum. They need to teach students that domestic violence is never right not matter the circumstance. What better way to stop abuse than by preventing people from becoming abusers in the first place. Furthermore, another viable solution could be to make the penalties for domestic violence more severe. That would make potential abusers think twice about committing the …show more content…
That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yes, abusing your partner physically is a type of domestic violence but it’s not the only one. There are several different forms of domestic violence. The main ones include physical, psychological, emotional, economical and sexual abuse. If a partner is trying to inflict some type of physical injury by gabbing, pinching, shoving, slapping, or hitting then it is considered a form of physical domestic violence. If the partner is trying to force any type of nonconsensual sexual contact then it falls under the category of sexual domestic violence. Psychological domestic violence is when a partner try’s to instill fear or if they’re trying to isolate the victims from friends and family. Emotional domestic violence occurs when a partner try’s to undermine a victims sense of worth by criticizing, belittling or insulting them. A person is a victim of economical domestic violence if their financial resources such as their income are being forcefully controlled by their partner. As you can see, domestic violence doesn’t just have to be physical abuse, it can come in many different